PRINT SIZE: 20x30 inches
The artist of the design is Jeremy Pedron. The concept for this design was actually given to me in a dream, hence why it has a dreamy calming color scheme. From this dream I was able to conceptualize this design in a sketch the next day and then started to digitize it on illustrator then detail it in photoshop.
Our life is one that companions perseverance and recognizes journey. We wander the earth searching for purpose and worth. We exhaust our strength and will day by day. We discover our own limitations and shortcomings. Some of these limits are a graceful finding while others bring incredible defeat and despair. However they may come we find ourselves at the peak of our mountain with no more room for incline. We are left wingless at the top of the mountain we were called to climb. Our temptation then is to feast on the glory found at the height in which we find our self. We either recognize the personal work and hardship it took to get where we are and the craving for praise wants to be quenched or we recognize our solemn defeat and want to hide. Our hungry heart expresses itself profoundly here. Our hollow core of our soul easily though temporarily, is fooled by substances and activities that promised satisfaction but in all actuality create even a deeper longing. We find ourselves diminished by the trivial things we treasure. It is here where God shows us what our souls have been seeking… Not in our own strength, no, but actually in our shortcomings and need. How silly would it be to take any praise when we recognize that we have been blind on this journey? With only the light of the stars truly leading we recognize that they have paved the way on this journey as a loyal friend and companion. This recognition causes us to look up. It is in this action of simply looking up when we are confronted with truth. Awestruck we are overwhelmed at the beauty and strength of our God almighty. To approach His sovereignly paints some perspective of who rightfully deserves Glory. It is here where we find God’s love note written directly to us. A calling that gifts us with the recognition that it is ok that we have fallen short because our need for a Savior is now profoundly evident. It is in these limitations and shortcoming where we learn to set up camp giving full permission to God for being our strength and rescue. This is where we find true Hope. Hope not in our self, but where it belongs. Hope in God.
A Poem to my Weary Soul
My soul is weary once again.
Waves of trouble roll right in.
You can find that in my rising grief,
That I myself cannot be healed or find relief.
The words of God can bring sweet release,
For each of my journeys that needs a seat.
My gloomy doubts seem to prevail,
And my springs of comfort seem only to fail.
I call upon myself to conjure and find,
Only a progress that is at a steady decline.
And as I strive in my own strength,
You reveal that true power is in the accepting of your grace.
Lord you should be the only person I trust,
Relying on myself is putting faith in dust.
Yet Lord where should I flee?
To have my Soul cleave to thee?
I truly want to seek your face,
And lend my ear to your sovereign grace.
Your mercy seat is open still,
With humble hope I attend to your will.
Here Lord let my Soul Retreat,
Lavishing in love beneath your feet.
- Jeremy Pedron
Representing You,
Jeremy Dennis Pedron